Create Warehouse Locations (Premium Version)

With the premium subscription, you have the opportunity to create sub-locations for your digital inventory, including shelf-level details, in addition to performing item transfers and generating reports.


It can save you a lot of time and resources if you have a digital overview of your inventory locations where the item quantities are automatically adjusted with purchases and sales. Rackbeat provides exactly that, as you can create warehouse locations and perform item transfers.

Create Warehouse Locations (Premium Version)

Monitor Inventory Locations at the Shelf Level

You can create as many warehouse locations as you like, and you can even create sub-locations such as shelves, racks or rows. Additionally, you can specify a transport location if you have a fixed, temporary location that your orders need to pass through. Here, you can perform an external inventory transfer to track your ongoing orders. You can also record the movement of goods between your internal warehouse locations and generate reports for each location.


Note: You can also create warehouse locations with the basic subscription. However, you need the premium subscription if you want to divide your warehouse into sub-locations at the shelf, rack or row level.


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