System Updates

Stay in touch with all the latest updates and features as they become available in Rackbeat. The news will be released on a monthly basis. You can help shape the development of Rackbeat by giving us your system improvement ideas right here. You will also be able to see which features have been approved for implementation.

The New Transaction Report - Keep Track of Inventory Movements

Under the Reporting tab, you will now find the "Transaction Report" at the bottom. With this new feature, you can mass-filter your inventory adjustments and movements. It enables you, among other things, to see the actual accounting date for inventory movements and track changes in the inventory value.

Check If a Sales Order Has Been Converted to a Purchase Order

It is now possible to view the purchase order number, and thus open the purchase order, for your purchases related to a specific sales order in your order overview. This feature will save you time and headaches, especially, if you want to keep your inventory value as low as possible. It namely makes it easier to re-up your stock only when the demand requires you to do so, as your sales and purchases are linked.

Add Text Lines to Quotes, Sales Orders and More

You can now add text lines to your quotes, sales orders, sales invoices, purchase orders, and supplier invoices as a supplement to the existing note fields.

Full Overview of Your Messages with the Mail Log

You can now see the status of all your emails sent from Rackbeat. You find your mail log by going to Settings -> System -> Mail Log.

Combine Multiple Sales Orders on the Same Invoice

We have now made it possible for you to combine multiple orders into one single invoice for your customer. The order information and the shipment dates will automatically appear on the new invoice as text lines.

Remove Products without Movements from Your Count Report

When you need to create a count report, or a “Checking”, it can be very useful to exclude products without any transactions over longer periods. You can now choose a timeframe within 3, 6, 12, or 24 months.

All Updates

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