How Your Webshop Harmonizes with Your Inventory
Now you can synchronize your webshop operations and inventory management with Rackbeat, ensuring that your inventory is always up-to-date and aligned with your sales. The transfer of orders and updates to inventory status happen automatically, saving you time and energy on manual work. IEX sets everything in motion, allowing you to quickly have a self-managing warehouse.
Optimize Your Webshop’s Workflow, Ensure Accurate Accounting
If your webshop’s inventory is out of sync, you can use Rackbeat’s integration to create an efficient and simple flow for your inventory. You will also have advanced customization options at your disposal, tailored to your business needs. Additionally, Rackbeat’s inventory management system can be integrated with your accounting system, ensuring they always speak the same language.
But How Will It Benefit My Business?
A potential customer realizes that your product can fulfill his or her needs and decides to place an order, or put the item on the counter, in your shop.
At the speed of light, Rackbeat will receive a message telling it that an order has been placed, either from your webshop or your physical store. Rackbeat will then update your stock by retracting the sold items and provide your webshop with the fresh information.
Your accounting system also picks up the great news, and it will respond by producing an invoice to keep track of the bookkeeping.
The role that the IEX-integration plays in this set-up is to make sure that Rackbeat speaks with your additional management systems, e.g. your accounting software. Thus, you never have to worry about whether your invoices, accounting and warehouse management are on a three-way dial. They always pick up each other’s calls.