Get access to our Batch Module

Tracking across purchase, sales and your inventory

Batch management is an efficient tool to optimize your inventory regardless of whether you are purchasing items with a batch number and reselling items from this batch, or you are producing and selling your own batches.

Our Batch Management add-on enables you to track expiration dates of your items, giving you a clear overview of which batches should be next in line to leave the warehouse and when they expire.

Read more about how to get started with batch management here.

You can add batch management to your Rackbeat subscription at any time.


How to Test the Add-on Module

When you click “Try the System for 14 Days,” you first need to create a login, after which you will receive an agreement number. Then you gain access to the entire system; however, not the specific add-on module.

To access the add-on module, hover your mouse over your username in the upper right corner and go to “User settings.” Then click on “Add-ons” on the left-hand side. From here, you can install the add-on module.

NOTE: If you already have an active Rackbeat user and wish to try the add-on module, you must create a new free user account. If you follow the instructions above with your existing account, you will be registered as an active paying user.

If you need help installing the add-on module or making it fit your workflows, you can always reach out to one of our system experts who will guide you through Rackbeat.


Book a Free Demo

Batch Management

99 EUR

Per month per user

Serial number batch control

Options to attach batch control to production, both on finalized and parts of a finalized product

Batch tracking from purchase orders

Batch tracking of customer orders

Customized due date/expiration day to a chosen batch

Try the System for 14 Days

Achieve complete traceability

Traceability will save you a lot of time if you have to recall a batch of products. Based on the history of the batch you can easily identify and locate which batches contain a specific component or ingredient that you wish to recall, as well as which customers have received products from the affected batch.

In addition, you will be able to backtrack a product to a specific supplier, in case you are experiencing problems with products received from that supplier.

Let us do the work for you
With our Batch management add-on your company won’t have to spend unnecessary time tracing products or batches. Rackbeat does the work for you and gives you the opportunity to react faster to specific problems.

Batch management is especially convenient for companies working with food, medicine or other products with a short expiration date.