Inventory for Retail

Rackbeat offers a tailored inventory management solution that makes it easy for your retail business to automate processes, optimize inventory management, and gain a clear overview of purchases and sales. Whether you only operate a physical store with POS or also have an online shop, Rackbeat helps the retail sector streamline workflows and save valuable time. 


You can take advantage of our inventory system for free for 14 days to get a feel for how your workflows will improve with dedicated inventory management.



Inventory for Retail
Optimize Your Retail with Rackbeat

Rackbeat is designed to elevate your retail business. Our platform eliminates a lot of the manual work associated with your inventory management, strengthens your inventory economy, and gives you a comprehensive overview of your sales. Specifically, this means that we:

Automate Your Inventory Management

Every time you register a purchase, sale, or make an inventory adjustment, your stock quantity will automatically be updated in your product overview. This means you gain full insight into your inventory, avoiding selling items you do not have in stock or cannot acquire in time. Additionally, your inventory value will also be automatically updated, allowing you to keep an eye on not tying up too much money in your inventory.

Automate Your Inventory Management
Ensure You Can Keep Profiting from Your Products

You can purchase and add new items to your inventory, as well as keep track of cost price developments directly from Rackbeat. This means that if the cost price, or purchase price, for a given product increases, you can easily react to this by adjusting your sales price accordingly. In this way, you can continue to make a profit on your products when your suppliers raise their prices.

Ensure You Can Keep Profiting from Your Products
Consolidate Your Sales Channels

With Rackbeat, all your sales orders are consolidated in an integrated order overview, giving you a clear overview of all your sales activities. Whether the order comes from an online shop, a POS system, or is manually created, Rackbeat’s order management ensures real-time updates of your order data. This eliminates confusion and ensures that customers receive their orders on time.

Consolidate Your Sales Channels
Provide an Overview of Your Storage Locations

Rackbeat allows you to create and manage an unlimited number of storage locations and sub-locations such as shelves, racks, and rows. You can also create transport locations to keep track of temporary placements during order processing. This enables tracking of ongoing orders and recording item movements between internal storage locations. Additionally, you can purchase goods for the specific location, allowing you to pick and pack your orders based on that location. You can also generate detailed reports for each location, ensuring you have a complete overview of your inventory and movements.

Provide an Overview of Your Storage Locations
Extra Features that Make a Difference for Your Retail

Extra Features that Make a Difference for Your Retail

In addition to the basic inventory management functions, Rackbeat offers a range of extra features that can make a big difference for your retail business. Serial number management makes it possible to keep track of warranty responsibilities and trace goods equipped with electronic components. Batch management ensures better control over product batches and their lifespan by using tracking capabilities with batch numbers, which is particularly relevant if you sell products with expiration dates.

Moreover, you can optimize your warehouse work with our user-friendly mobile app, which allows you to pick, pack, and register items directly from your smartphone, available for both Android and iOS. For a full overview of all features, visit our features page and see how Rackbeat can improve your inventory management.

Check Out Our Features

Get a Free Presentation Tailored to Your Retail

Curious about how Rackbeat can optimize your retail business? Our specialists are ready to show you how our system can be tailored to your specific business needs.


We offer a free presentation where we go through the many possibilities and benefits Rackbeat brings to your retail. Whether it’s about inventory management, order handling, or integration with your existing systems, we have the solution.


Book a free presentation with one of our specialists and see how Rackbeat can simplify and improve your workflows.


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